Thursday, January 27, 2011

All the Days

Welcome to my new blog!  I thought that I would start out with a quick entry about the title I chose, “All the Days.”  Daniel teased me just a little and called me “cute” when he saw it, so I hope that none of you think it’s silly.  I sat down with a pad of paper and pen and brainstormed for a while to come up with a name, and this was the only one that sounded good to me. 

Since my last blog was about the beginning, the setting of the stage, this one will account for what happens after the beginning.  At the very beginning of our married life, Daniel and I vowed to love each other “all the days of our lives.”  What we’re living now is all those days.

Now, this name does not mean that I will be blogging every day, because I’m sure that I won’t.  My goal is once a week, just like my last blog.  You should expect, though, that occasionally there may be more than one in a given week, and occasionally a week may be skipped.  You can also expect to see more pictures in this blog than in my last, and you can hopefully expect to see more responses to any comments.  I will try my best!

Thanks for clicking through to my new blog—I’m looking forward to this next chapter!

God bless!
-         - Sarah  


  1. I'm glad you're continuing to write - I stumbled on your blog a few months ago and have really enjoyed it! You are just a tad ahead of me in terms of state of life (I got married Nov. 2009, am 23 and am expecting a baby girl in just 3 weeks!), and I find it really helpful to hear from a Catholic woman who has already gone through what I'm expecting to go through shortly. I love the title of your new blog, by the way :)

  2. Thanks, DaWeeze! I'm so glad you're enjoying it. Good luck with your delivery; I'll say a prayer for you!

  3. I am so happy you have decided to continue blogging! I have come to really look forward to your posts and we have only been married two months but your experiences have been great to read!

  4. Sarah, I'm so happy you are going to continue to write! You are bookmarked!


  5. Just like the first two comments I have to agree that I am excited to see that you decided to keep blogging! I LOVED your first blog and have been following you since your 3rd post at I feel that you are one of the few people who really understand what I am going through as a young Catholic woman. Can't wait to see what this blog year hold for you!

  6. I'm so glad you decided to continue your blogging. I've been following you since your first post and will continue here. Its great to read all the positive things you do in your married and christian life! :)

  7. Glad to see you're continuing to write! I enjoy reading your reflections. Blessings on your marriage and little one!

  8. I love your blog and very happy you are going to continue sharing with us great moments of your life and faith. I'm engaged to be married on April 30, 2011, and really looking forward to experience the joys of married life that i have learned from your posts. Thank you!

  9. I'm so happy you're going to continue this! I'm looking forward to continuing to be inspired by the words of my holy, Catholic friend!

  10. Thank you for your encouraging words, everyone!

    Annalee, I love you! :)

  11. Wow this is wonderful to know your blog will continue...what a gift! Please feel free to follow/read mine as well... I think we have much in common!

    God bless,
